Thursday, July 30, 2009

ipod touch - maybe a glimpse of the future?

We hope to start using the ipod touch in our classrooms in the near future. At the moment we are exploring a few of the applications (mostly the free ones) and it looks very exciting.

You might want to ask why the ipod touch. The short answer is that the ipod touch is much much more than a "mp3 player" - it is basically a small computer. It can connect to the school's wireless network and access the web and files that way. The low cost makes this a good candidate to improve access in our classrooms.

What are the possible benefits?

  1. The "in your pocket" mobility is where our kids function, what they're accustomed to and the technology.
  2. It is very easy to use.
  3. The touchscreen/touch keyboard and their ability to take notes in much the same way they text is compelling for students.
  4. Immediate access to the internet in their pocket
  5. The "on the go" field research in various content areas including Science and even PE
  6. Apps, once synced do not need to access the net
  7. Apps provide great tools to manage themselves etc.
  8. Lots of the applications are free

I have a very good feeling about this one and will make more posts as we move down this track.

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